52 Ways to Frenchify Your Life... One Week At A TimeYou may be shocked, but French cuisine is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE! I don't just say that because I love everything else French, but seriously... I love French food! They aren't known to be such great chefs for no reason! I mean, just look at that READ MORE
Week 4: Simplify
52 Ways To Frenchify Your Life... One Week At A TimeLet's get Frenchy! Haha!!! Yah, that sounds cheesy (and it is), but if you're the slightest bit of a Francophile like me, I look for ANY way to add some French to my life, or (as I've called it for decades), "Frenchify" my life. Last week I started READ MORE
52 Ways to Frenchify Your Life… One Week At A Time
Weeks 1-3, 2025 / How to Frenchify your lifeOne of the goals I have set for French Daisy in 2025 is to post weekly on ways that you can "frenchify" your life. Add a little "French-ness" to your everyday. You know, that French "joie de vivre." Since it is mid-January, one could say that I am nearly 2 READ MORE
Ringing In The New Year “en Français”
French traditions for New Year's Eve and New Year's DayCan you believe we are nearly into 2025 already? I've always heard that time flies when you're having fun, so I must be having a blast, haha! As with everyday, I try to frenchify my life any chance I get. New Year's is a fun way to incorporate READ MORE
French Market Etiquette
Get the most out of your French Market experience with this helpful guide.Visiting a French market is a great experience, however there is a certain etiquette to note. This guide will identify the French Market etiquette so that you have the best experience possible and you understand what is READ MORE
Are You Dreaming of Paris?
Don't just dream. Turn your dreams into REALITY!Are you a dreamer? I know I sure am. I remember back when visiting France was just a dream. It seemed so far off and distant, but I never let go of that dream! Don't you let go of yours either!If you've been around this space for very long, you know READ MORE
Although I do love winter and snow, I always welcome le Printemps (spring) with a smile and open arms! I actually love ALL seasons for different reasons, but now that spring has finally arrived, I can hardly wait to start planting all sorts of flowers and plants. I'm itching to get my hands in the READ MORE
A Carry-on Is All You Need
HOW TO TRAVEL WITH JUST A CARRY-ONSpring is finally here and I'm sure there are many of you in the midst of planning your spring and summer trips for this year. I'm doing the same! That being said if you're looking for packing tips, I'm here for you. I will admit that I learned some of this the hard READ MORE
18 Must-have Travel Accessories
TRAVEL ESSENTIALS TO MAKE YOUR TRIP EASIERAre you headed across the pond for the first time? Maybe you've been before, but it's been many years? I'll share with you some travel accessories that are "essential" to me as well as some niceties that make my travels easier and more comfortable.Before The READ MORE
Know Before You Go!Heading to Paris soon? Maybe for the 2024 Summer Olympics perhaps? Visiting a new place, or if you've been several times before, anywhere you go, there are those unwritten rules that you may or may not know about. Paris is no different. I have listed some unwritten rules of Paris READ MORE